Transfers most used online banking service
Survey shows German banks earn little through web
Berlin (pte035/02.05.2003/15:23) A survey carried out by the German Mummert consulting group shows that German banks earn little from online services, but that most clients take advantage of the Internet for bank transfers.
Of 800 clients questioned, 86 per cent transfer their money online and about 82 per cent use their bank's online services to manage their accounts and 70 per cent use them for standing orders. Other online services appear to play little or no role.
The study also shows that German banks are not making much money from their online services. Very few users go online for financial and investment consulting. About 16 per cent of those questioned said they did not have an Internet account.
While the percentage of users baking online is high, the majority of them also has fundamental doubts about online banking with security issues heading the list of concerns.
In general, personal contact in a local branch is of little importance to clients. User friendliness and confidence in the bank's security take priority.
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