pts20230405013 Unternehmen/Wirtschaft, Technologie/Digitalisierung

Structuring quality – made with passion

XOLARIS Group develops tailored structuring solutions for their clients

Vaduz (pts013/05.04.2023/08:48)

As a fully integrated service management company ("ManCo"), XOLARIS Group is able to reproduce the entire value chain around an AIF and offer tailored structuring, management and settlement services for your clients. True to our motto "Investmentquality - made with passion", we consider it essential to focus on the individual needs of our clients and to evaluate the optimal financial solution.

"Together with our very own Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM), we are in a position to offer our clients a wide range of structuring opportunities. In doing so, we can operate within core European markets as well as selected offshore jurisdictions to serve numerous solutions such as GmbH & Co. KG, GP/LP and SICAV. We also focus extensively on closed and open-ended alternative investment funds. We consistently follow our aim of optimising structures based on supervisory, company and fiscal aspects. Thanks to our centralised structural unit, we consider ourselves a solution-oriented business partner whose main role is to understand our clients' strategies and fiscal requirements and adapt them to the concept and optimal structure of the financial solution," says Kai. S Renning, CIO of XOLARIS Group.

"In addition to pure concept development and structural services, we oversee the main coordination of all parties involved to reduce interfacing requirements and achieve a high degree of security during process planning and ensure reliable processes. Our private label approach allows us to offer a range of services such as Asset Manager, Wholesaler and Asset Owner," Mr Renning adds.

Founded in 2010, the XOLARIS Group stands with its AIFM for an independent white label investment company with a focus on Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) in the asset classes Private Equity, Real Estate, Renewable Energy and Shipping. With headquarters in Liechtenstein and subsidiaries in Germany, France, and Asia, the entire value chain of alternative investments can be represented, true to its motto: "Investment Quality - Made with Passion."

Other units of the group offer services ranging from advice on launching, structuring and distribution to fund accounting and the administration of alternative investment funds and other real asset investments.

As a legally independent service provider for the conception, administration and management of alternative investments, the XOLARIS Group sees itself in its entirety as an "enabler" for initiators and investors.

Ausstrasse 15
FL-9490 Vaduz
Tel.: +423 265 0560
Fax: +423 265 0569

Aussender: XOLARIS AG
Ansprechpartner: Zoe Peffer
Tel.: +423 265 0560