pts20090215002 Kultur/Lifestyle, Produkte/Innovationen

How alarm clocks can wake you up more effectively

Sleep phase alarm clocks under close scrutiny

ATLANTA, GA. USA (pts002/15.02.2009/10:00) Sleep Disorders Centers of Pulmonary Associates in Midlothian, VA: Prof. Dr. Douglas W. Puryear is responsible for the trial design: 200 moments of restlessness are recorded simultanously by advanced sleep laboratory equipment and the sleep phase alarm clock Sleeptracker.

Using a small accelerometer to measure certain types of lateral motion that correlate to lighter stages of sleep, SLEEPTRACKER continuously monitors signals from the body that indicate whether the person is asleep or awake. It uses those times of motion to give the user a picture of how many restless or light sleep periods they have throughout the night. The more recorded events, the more restless (i.e. worse) the night of sleep. The device also uses those recorded moments to detect lighter stages of sleep within an alarm window to wake the user at the optimal time in the morning.

When evaluating the data Prof. Puryear realizes a small sensation: "I was extremely interested to test SLEEPTRACKER after hearing about the popularity of the product and how many devices had been sold worldwide," said Douglas W. Puryear, MD. "After compiling the results of my evaluation study, I can say with confidence that Sleeptracker's performance in detecting events is excellent, as compared to state-of-the-art sleep laboratory equipment used in my center. This is the only non-medical device I've ever seen that can provide such sleep insight to consumers."

The tests in the sleep lab reveal a 91% accordance in detecting restless sleep phases in relation to Polysomnography (=measuring brain activity (EEG), heart (EKG), oxygen of blood (pulse oxymetry), body temperature, breathing flow (mouth and nose), muscle tension (EMG), limb movement, eye movement (EOG), body movement, ...) in the sleep lab.

For further information please contact Lindsey Groepper, BLASTmedia, USA. Tel. +1 317-806-1900 ext. 114. Sleeptracker is best available through the internet .

Aussender: Sleeptracker Europe SEC
Ansprechpartner: Verena Hödl
Tel.: +43 1 4273388